Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.

- JP Morgan

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The information and data contained throughout the website Astrotash, and available through the online order process of Astrotash , is to be treated purely for your information and entertainment purposes only. Any prediction or other message that you read, receive or interpret is not a substitute for any service that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, solicitor, legal expert, doctor, medical specialist, psychiatrist, psychologist, financial advisor or any other expert in any other field. Accordingly, Astrotash provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or used by the reader or recipient of the information and data mentioned above. It is encouraged that you rely on independent professional advice for economic, financial, personal, medical or any other field for your planning purposes.

The website Astrotash, disclaim responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person relying, directly or indirectly on the information provided on this website, any product received through the online order process, or via Zoom conversation with Astrotash, Astrotash, reserves the right to change the services and prices without notice.

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Personal information provided to Astrotash, including any Zoom conversation with Astrotash, will not be disclosed to any third party. The content of e-mails or comments made through the feedback form of Astrotash, or via email to, or any Zoom conversation with Astrotash, will not be used for any other purpose except for its original intention. Your name and e-mail address will not be added to any third party mailing list.

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The following Terms of Use apply to the use of services provided by the website Astrotash, These Terms of Use also apply to the products, content, information, services and Zoom conversation provided by Astrotash, By using this site, you accept and agree with these Terms of Use.

Astrotash, reserves the right to change, modify, update, remove, add, modify or delete the services it offers via


The website and any written material obtained from it is the property of Astrotash, Copyright (c) 2017 Astrotash, All rights reserved. Permission is given for non-profit electronic viewing, or printing to hard copy format only. If you wish to reproduce any of the information on this site (other than printing for your own reading pleasure), you must first seek written permission from Astrotash


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