SYDNEY: 4:49 pm, March 10
NEW YORK: 12:49 am, March 10
LONDON: 5:49 am, March 10
Astrologically, Virgo rules health, while the Moon, when at its fullest, opens our eyes through creating greater awareness. And because a full Moon illuminates what is concealed during its dark, waning phase, this full Moon likely has a valuable piece of wellness information to share.
Worldwide, the news is buzzing over the coronavirus. And chances are, this full Moon in health-orientated Virgo will reveal a slice of information that turns out to be a game-changer. Let’s hope that what we learn is a pearl of wisdom that assists in alleviating the issue, or at least helps to lessen the virus’ symptoms.
As I have previously pointed out, 2020 is riddled with meet-ups between planetary heavyweights, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Saturn restricts and is often present when there are limiting circumstances, such as during convalescence. Pluto rules viruses (enough said), and Jupiter magnifies all it touches, placing a spotlight on international issues that affect the world at large. Mind you, Jupiter can also blow things out of proportion and make a mountain out of a molehill too!
It’s interesting to note that we saw similar planetary alignments involving Pluto during the Spanish Flu in 1918 and 1919. Additionally, Pluto and Saturn made its highly anticipated and rare connection on January 11 2020, which also happens to be the same day that the virus claimed its first death.
I can’t predict the severity of the coronavirus on our community. Still, I can say with certainty that it will be the topic on everyone’s lips. And, there’s definitely more to uncover, especially during this lunar period. Personally, I believe in empowering yourself by taking charge of your health. Make this full Moon in Virgo work to your advantage. Strengthen your immunity, so that even if you come into contact with the virus, you’ll look it in the eye, give it a wink, and shake it off.
By Natasha Weber @astrotash