SYDNEY: 5:12 am, June 6
NEW YORK: 3:12 pm, June 5
LONDON: 8:12 pm, June 5
Ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, Sagittarius doesn’t do anything by halves. And June’s full Moon in the sign of the Archer is no exception.
The mood is supersized – go hard or go home could be an appropriate slogan. You’ll be chafing at the bit, desperate to get out and about. Connecting with friends and loved ones will be high on your priority list. Tempted to put everything on the line to chase a big dream? You’re not alone. This is not the time to be cooped up at home, because the world and its wonders are calling. You’ll want to put yourself out there, without having to worry about restrictions or social distancing, right?
Well, not exactly. There is more to consider in this cosmic picture that begs for a balanced approach. While you may be ready in your body, mind and soul to conquer the world, this full Moon wants you to be sensible and pace yourself. It’s not that your grand ideas or brilliant schemes can’t come to fruition; you might just have to go about things a little differently this month.
Firstly, while June’s full Moon is in optimistic, larger-than-life Sagittarius, it’s also a lunar eclipse. And an eclipse can hide the facts. So, you might think you know everything there is to know, but some small piece of the puzzle likely remains hidden.
Additionally, during this full moon eclipse, there are four planets in retrograde. That’s a ton of astronomical energy moving backwards through the heavens. Pushing forward with a lofty ambition is merely contradicting the cosmos. You’ll wind up investing precious time and energy into a goal that isn’t ready to blossom. Leaving you deflated, exhausted and resentful.
By all means, utilise the enthusiasm that the Sagittarius Moon brings. But combine it with the introverted nature of the retrograde planets – Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. As an added bonus you’ll avoid the unpredictability of this month’s eclipse too. The key to success during June’s full Moon is to plan, prepare and carefully plot whatever it is that you wish to achieve. Think ahead and act later. Be like a Ninja with your target firmly in focus, but only strike when the time is right. Wait. Be sure. And then, the world can be yours for the taking.
By Natasha Weber @astrotash