SYDNEY: 1:53 am, May 20

LONDON: 4:53 pm, May 19

NEW YORK: 11:53 am, May 19

LOS ANGELES: 8:53 am, May 19

PERTH: 11:53 pm, May 19



As we wave goodbye to Taurus season, we say hello to a new Moon in the Bull.


This lunation reshuffles your priorities, like hitting the shuffle button on your Spotify playlist. So, if your life’s felt a bit like a tangled mess, and you’re emotionally, mentally and physically stretched thin, this new Moon is your cue to figure out where your energy and attention need to go.


Even so, with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, also hanging out in Taurus, there’s a strong pull to tackle every commitment, task, relationship and obligation you’ve got going on. It’s like that tempting idea of having your cake and eating it too.


And yes, you can have it all. But remember, just like trying to binge-watch your favourite TV shows, it might be more enjoyable – and manageable – one episode at a time.


Venus, the planetary ruler of this new Moon, is turning up the volume on your heart’s needs and wants. If you find yourself reevaluating your relationship priorities, it’s time to work out what’s fuelling your emotional engine and what’s leaving it running dry.


But don’t worry, this lunation isn’t about dramatic break ups or endings, far from it. Thanks to Venus and Jupiter’s loving and supportive vibes, it’s more about sinking your rhythms and harmonising your tunes. So, if your sweetheart isn’t quite hitting the right notes, it could just mean a little relationship fine-tuning is required. Before you know it, you’ll be back to making beautiful music together.


So, welcome this Taurus new Moon as a time for recalibrating, rebalancing, and realignment. Dance to the harmonious relationship song that Jupiter and Venus are playing and remember, your life’s symphony hits the high notes when you take the time to fine-tune it to your liking.

 By Natasha Weber aka Astrotash