You are the Universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while.

- Ekhart Tolle
FULL MOON IN LEO: Embracing Your Shadow Self

FULL MOON IN LEO: Embracing Your Shadow Self

SYDNEY: 4:53 am, January 26 LONDON: 5:53 pm, January 25 NEW YORK: 12:53 pm, January 25 LOS ANGELES: 9:53 am, January 25 PERTH: 1:53 am, January 26     January’s full moon in Leo arrives with a roar, echoing the recent monumental shift of Pluto into Aquarius. This lunation is a call to embrace the […]

PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS: Navigating Technological Marvels, the Environmental Crises and the Dark Side of Progress

PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS: Navigating Technological Marvels, the Environmental Crises and the Dark Side of Progress

Pluto reenters Aquarius on January 21st, heralding a once-in-a-lifetime astrological milestone that stargazers have circled on their calendars. It signals a seismic shift, propelling us towards a fast and progressive future. Earlier in 2023, from March to June, Pluto dipped its toes into Aquarius, giving us some clues about the developments we might expect. Now, […]